Personal-Self Development for All Stages

Take Control of Your Life

For most of Kristy’s* life, she has struggled with anxiety, anger, and self-criticism and has developed unhealthy patterns that are self-destructive and upsetting to her husband.

While working with our Radical Change Team, Kristy discovered that committing to improving herself, self-awareness, and self-love is a journey.

That journey offers new insights, new goals, and new ways of being healthier, happier, and more in control of her thoughts and feelings.

Take the Right Path to Achieve Your Goals

Sue* has never attended a self-help group before.

After attending our 90-Day Radical Change Healing Program, Sue discovered that her thoughts, words, and vibrations that she has each day make a bigger difference in whether she takes a long or short path to her goals.

Sue applies the new knowledge, new techniques, and suggested actions and ended up selling her house overnight for more money than the real estate agent suggested.

Self-Development Makes a Difference

Coach Craig has been on an exciting and freeing personal self-development journey for over 15 years. While working with Dr. Mary Oz, Coach Craig received an introduction to the Radical Change Coaching Program, which he describes as “a personal self-development program on steroids.”

He loves the fact that he received challenges to apply this life-changing knowledge, new beliefs, and new understanding to his family relationships, personal life, and business.

Craig is grateful that he found a mentor and trainer who could help him see himself more clearly, help him understand why he repeats the same patterns, and learn how to identify the cues of healthy love versus unhealthy love.

Take a Journey of Discovery

Have you ever wondered how to know yourself so well that you can instantly recognize how you are the same and different from others, including those with whom you work and to whom you relate in various levels of intimacy?

If you have wondered about this, you will want to learn about the 4 Primary Ways of Being that are easy to discover once you know where to look.

Kristy, Sue, Coach Craig, and many others have taken the journey and immediately passed it on to friends and family.

Healing Relationships – How to have an extraordinary relationship with your self and others

Tired of your same old patterns?

Still stuck in old family trauma that makes you angry or depressed

Struggling to find healthy likeminded friends, companions, and a lover

Dreaming about more love, intimacy, and dissatisfied with your present level of love and intimacy, or experiencing no intimacy at all?

Imagine your life and relationships feeling more fulfilling

Helping your relationships heal can depend on the level of healthiness that both individuals bring to the relationship. Helping individuals and relationships heal from pain and loneliness is so much more than improving communication and closeness.

We offer you a unique new perspective to see yourself and the other person more clearly, identifying healthy and unhealthy relationship triggers and patterns. We help you take responsibility for your part and help you accept your partner’s response.

We have often found an individual needs to improve their own beliefs, feelings, and comfortableness with love/closeness before their relationships can improve – it is often an energetic healing that is needed.

*Names changed to protect client confidentiality.