Individual Radical Change Coaching and Healing

Our Unique Coaching Approach
to Delivering Radical Change and Big Results

Can Life Coaching be as effective as Therapy?

Whether you have tried therapy, coaching, or both, we know you want to experience the results and changes that you need – which is most important.

Relief comes when you gain clarity on what it will take to understand yourself, needs, patterns, and blocks better – besides tapping into your most powerful, happy, and healthy self.

So Much More than Life Coaching

We believe and know that you deserve help and support, not just resolving your issues and pain, but also tapping your true worth. We want to empower you to follow your deepest desires and most invigorating dreams.

Let’s meet two real people that the Radical Change team has helped.

Another unfulfilling relationship

Steve* came to coaching to feel better about himself. He has been married and divorced. He realized his present relationship was not making him as happy as he wanted to be.

Steve recognized he is part of the problem, was looking for some clarity, and needed to decide what to do with his present unhappiness and loneliness.

Steve and his Radical Change Coach discussed what’s not working, engaged in a self-awareness technique that helped Steve see how he was part of the problem, and focused on what he needed to be happier and healthier. Together, they worked on Steve taking responsibility for his own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

Steve was open to releasing some of his old negative patterns, fears, and beliefs about love and trust, enabling him to focus on giving love more than receiving love. He felt better after releasing his old hurts and blocks. He felt more ready for the deep love he has been expecting, without giving.

After lots of reflection, Steve stayed n his present relationship focusing more on what love he offers to himself and his partner. Steve’s approach to love and relationship was vastly different and more freeing than when he started coaching.

Commitment to Self-Love and Self-Care

Sharon* was always so loving with others and often got angry that others never loved her back – the way she wanted!

She used to think it was just with her kids and close family. The other day she realized her coworkers and friends treat her the same way.

Sharon worked with a Radical Change Coach, and she has discovered that she believes if she does not love all the time, she is a bad person. Together, they explored some powerful definitions of healthy self-love vs. selfishness.

Selfishness is when you ONLY care about YOURSELF!

Healthy self-care and self-love are when you Care Enough about Yourself, Too, that you know you matter.

After some major adjustments to Sharon’s beliefs about self-love and selfishness, she felt ready to explore how she wanted to be loved and by whom.

Together, her Radical Change Coach and Sharon worked on a plan that included Sharon committing to greater self-awareness, truth, and self-love. As her coaching continued, she discovered one way to love more deeply is to feel great about herself and focus on the gifts and talents that she wants to share with the world.

Sharon left her coaching experience feeling more loved in her present relationships, excited and ready for her bigger, better, brighter future, knowing what her next steps would be.

Personal Self-Development = Goals Plus Deep Healing Work

All our Radical Change Coaches have experienced extensive training on how to help you transform your life emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and energetically!

After years of work, we have grown to appreciate the ultimate experience of healing, growth, and change comes from understanding your inner and outer world.

*Names changed to protect client confidentiality.